C Programming Guide

I have written a C programming guide for learning the basics of “C”. I am using this with our programming and electrical teams. It goes hand in hand with a free compiler and IDE (link in document). You can find it in this thread.




Thanks so much for your time and effort. This resource will be greatly appreciated as the season progresses.

Wow. For someone just starting JAVA, this is great!! Thank you so much!

This is awesome. Thanks a lot. I am a rookie and learning to program. This guide is really helpful.

Also does ayn know where I can find a guide about MPLab, C Compiler and how are they related to programming robots?


This is a great guide. Actually better than what we received at the robotics workshops at California State University of Northridge!

Woot…neat guide dude especially since iam a total novice on C…This does cut my learning of visual basic for some time.

Wow! All I can say is Thanks.

A sincere thank you from a rookie team with no members with any knowledge of programming. This is excellent. Best of luck this year
