C++ USB Serial?

Hello! I am working on a target acquisition module for our robot and I am using the JeVois camera. I would like to send coordinates via USB Serial, but can only find such functions for Java. Are there functions for C++ for communicating with the USB Serial ports?


See frc::SerialPort, which is the exact equivalent of the same class in Java.

Ah, thanks!

Hi apple2,

I also work on a target acquisition module with the Jevois for our robot. But I cannot make the SerialPort work. I try :

SerialPort (
int baudRate,
Port port=kOnboard,
int dataBits=8,
Parity parity=kParity_None,
StopBits stopBits=kStopBits_One)

Do you be able to make the serialPort function work for you?
