CAD Award Tease

Just a tease of our CAD award Submission

Holy moly!

about how much time did that one assembly take?

(my guess is about a bazillion nanoseconds)

((great job!))

5 hours :slight_smile:

Once again, Great job. That’s very impressive.


Very impressive work…

Now for my question; How did you get decals to render in Inventor (I assume thats what your in for the Inventor award)?

Well… I used the decal button after inserting an image in a sketch… I don’t really know of any other way of doing decals =)

What type of image file was it, because I have tried and tried, but can’t seem to get images to render (by images I also mean decals).**

bitmap . . . ?
i also had some success with excel files.

I was having issues with getting decals to render in Inventor 10, however, now that I have 12 there is not a problem.