Camera and SmartDashboard

Our problem is that when we launch the SmartDashboard on its own, the add menu includes the camera option, but when it launches with the Driver Station, the option isn’t there, and our camera image goes away. We thought it was two seperate installs of SmartDashboard, but as far as I can tell, it isn’t. I have installed the Driver Station update 3.0, and reinstalled the SmartDashboard (using installer 1.0.5).

Does anyone have any suggestions of things I can try to fix this problem?

It is two separate installs, your Driver Station is likely set up to launch the SD included with the Java plugins. Make sure the Driver Station Dashboard type is set to Default (not Java) then do the step “Locate Driver Station Configuration” and the one below it from here.

Thank you, this seems to have solved my problem perfectly.