Camera Configuration Section Missing in Browser Dashboard

I am trying to upload a configuration file for our vision camera to our coprocessor to get accurate 3D distance with AprilTags (currently have about 10% error). I have tried to do this through the Photonvision dashboard on my computer (connected to the robot radio with the coprocessor on). This is what it should look like (recreation with localhost simulation):

However, I instead get this, where the entire camera configuration section is missing:

We are using an Orange Pi 5 with an Arducam USB OV9281. I have tried rebooting the coprocessor and the radio, and reflashing the Orange Pi with the most recent PhotonVision image (2024.2.4) and updated our codebase to reflect that. Still, nothing works. We also have no apparent errors in the log viewer on the dashboard. Has anyone else experienced this and/or resolved this?

I noticed this a few times the other day, refreshing the page seemed to work for me.

Yeah, I tried that, but the option disappears as soon as we connect to the coprocessor, even when reloading and loading a completely new dashboard tab. Are you using an ethernet switch on your bot? We haven’t been using one (though we are adding one today), and I wondered if that is the issue.

We are having the same issue with the same configuration.

We are also experiencing issues once we reload the page and we want to upload calibdb config.

This is what we get after we import

Even though this is the config .json

    "camera": "Arducam OV2311 USB Camera (0c45:6366)",
    "platform": "Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64",
    "camera_matrix": [
    "distortion_coefficients": [
    "distortion_model": "rectilinear",
    "avg_reprojection_error": 0.5040223805448382,
    "img_size": [
    "keyframes": 9,
    "calibration_time": "Sat, 10 Feb 2024 20:07:47 GMT"

Does it work if you don’t use calibdb?

Update - somehow it works now after switching from our code test bot to our competition bot. I guess its something with the RoboRIO, radio, or a different component, but the file is on there now at least.

If you look at your browser console, do you see something like this? If yes, probably a bug when you tried importing from calibdb. Try not using calibdb, or waiting until this pr is merged?