Camera Example not working

I’m trying to get my teams camera code running and basically I want to use the example code provided for us in Labview to get the distance to the target. The problem is though the example doesn’t work when I run the Crio version on the robot. When I run it, it looks like the code is getting stuck at the update camera block but this code has never been modified and I’ve tried it on multiple computers so I’m really confused as to why it’s not working. Also I know the camera is working because I can get it to stream to the driver station and the example will work when you run it with the pc version. And the ip address is also correct.

Thanks for the help in advance!

Does the IP address match? What VI are you running, and what results do you get?

Greg McKaskle

I’m running the vision processing vi and the ip is is the suggested address for your programming computer. The cRIO program expects the camera to be at, which is where the “Setup Axis Camera” utility puts it.