Camera Offset Calculation

Hey guys,
I have been looking at some teams who put their camera’s offset from the center of their shooter or turret. In that case, your camera tracks great but the turret is not centered. How can I account for that? I believe the aspect ratio of the targets is the best way to go but is there another way that will be better? Thanks

Not quite sure how the VI software works, but OpenCV has a very nice function which gives you the world space coordinates of the target. You can then easily offset with a transformation.

The easiest way by far is for the camera to be centered. Everything else adds much more variance to the tracking, something we generally try to minimize.

The simplest compensation solution is to just aim a few pixels off-center. This assumes you are a certain distance for the target, which may or may not be true.

Because the offset is a linear relationship to the distance from the target, it’s fairly trivial to figure out the offset for any given distance. Calculate distance first by using something like height, that will give you the offset, then you aim precisely.