Camera Programming

I feel really dumb for having to ask this, especially with the million other threads on the topic. But all of them basically just said to add in something like:

AxisCamera camera = AxisCamera.getInstance();

That’s what I did. I did declare it before I initialized it, though. Anyway, it could well be a DriverStation issue, but I know it isn’t hardware. I got the camera running through a browser, and I am using a crossover cable for it. Is there more code I need to add in? When I attempted to use it, the video spot is just blank. I then tried to actually drive the robot, and it had completely frozen. Nothing worked. I’ve had that happen before when my code had a fatal error, so I’m assuming that’s what this is. I went back to dev mode, removed the three lines about the camera, and recompiled it. The robot ran fine.

Be sure to run the AxisCamera Setup Utility on the desktop. Ours didn’t work until we used that tool, either.

Thanks! Yeah, I had followed the steps outlined in the camera setup thing and that wasn’t included, but I guess that’s for the new camera. Worked like a charm!