We need help figuring out what this error means and how to fix it:
Error when getting image from the camera: IMAQdxError: -1074360306: No acquisition in progress. at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.CameraServer.capture(CameraServer.java:222)
public void robotInit() {
oi = new OI();
dt= new DriveTrain();
am = new ArmMovements();
server = CameraServer.getInstance();
Do you know that it is named cam0? You can check by logging into the rio’s maintenance page and see what name it lists for the camera. We’ve had issues with cameras not being named as expected. Wrap all your camera code in try…catch blocks so camera errors don’t bring down your whole program.
I second Ninjastahr 's suggestion. I was having an issue with a Genius webcam and switched from the CameraServer class to NIVision. (thanks, jojoguy10!). Check out the “Intermediate Vision” example.
“No Acquisition in progress” sounds like you either aren’t telling your camera to capture in the code, or you are having a physical problem on your camera preventing it from capturing images
A few questions:
Is this on the FMS or your own connection(e.g. Practice router or tether)?
What camera are you running?
I’m not a programmer nor a professional, just an electrical/control systems troubleshooter. My team had a similar issue, however I can’t think of the error off the top of my head.