Camera Works but no Live Feed

Hello everyone,

We have a strange problem: the camera (Axis 206) connects perfectly to the robot via Ethernet Port 2, and some simple image processing code works, but the dashboard doesn’t display an image (yes, we pushed the video enable button). Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas?
Thanks so much,
Team 675

The 4-slot cRIO lacks the second ethernet port, so things have changed to let teams use the camera a new way. The 2012 default Dashboard is written to communicate directly with the camera. By plugging the camera into the cRIO’s other network port, you have isolated it from the DAP-1522 router, and the Dashboard cannot contact it.

Last year, there was a task which ran on the cRIO to copy the camera image data from the second port’s network to the first one. You can still make the system work that way, if you rebuild the Dashboard to look for the image data at the cRIO’s address instead of the camera. But that adds to the cRIO’s CPU burden.

You’ll get the results you want by configuring the camera at (the Axis Camera Setup tool will do that for you) and connecting it to the DAP-1522 along with the cRIO.

Thanks so much! Our camera works now :slight_smile: