Camp Agua - CT FRC Workshop Day

2013 Camp Agua Workshop Series
With the 2014 FRC season quickly approaching, Team Max 1071 invites you to come learn new skills at Camp Agua!

Camp Agua, named after 1071’s mascot, is a series of workshops and presentations for both students and mentors of FRC teams. It will include topics both technical and non-technical. While we’re still working on the final list of presentations, some topics that will be covered include:

  • Introduction to Java
  • Introduction to C++
  • Introduction to LabView
  • LabView Beta Testing Open House
  • Effective FRC Drive Trains
  • Public Relations and Marketing for your FIRST
  • Effective Sponsorship Recruitment and Fundraising for FRC
  • and more to be announced soon!

When: Saturday, December 21st, 2013
Time: 9:00am (Doors open 1/2 hour before)
Where: Wolcott High School
457 Boundline Road, Wolcott, CT 06716

For up to date information visit:

To register visit this form.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or would want to give a presentation at Camp Agua, contact either myself or Stacey Gray ([email protected]).

Special thanks to all the CT teams who have stepped up and will be giving presentations this year.

We’d love to get as many teams from CT and Southern New England here as possible, so please consider it. While it is not mandatory to register to attend, we would appreciate it if each team could so we can get an idea on how many people to expect.

Hope to see you there!