If a robot guards the other alliance’s coral station and they just sit there is does that count as a pin?
Rule G425 says "ROBOT is PINNING if it is preventing the movement of an opponent ROBOT by contact, either direct or
transitive ".
In this scenario, the defending robot is not restricting the movement of the other alliances robot , just restricting access to coral.
Thanks for the help
If you’re just sitting there, then you’re not pinning or pinned. Pinning requires contact.
However, you can expect to BE pinned by teams coming in for Coral, or be hammering them away from the station.
If the defender gets pinned at the source, does the offending robot have to get 6 feet away before they can enter the source again?
One or both robots need to get 6’ away for at least 3 seconds before the pin can restart. Which is probably going to result in the offense robot going to the other source.
I have the same question here, and not only coral station also can the robot camp the processor area?
Neither area has protection either way, so the same rules apply.
My worry about camping near the processor is that it would be very easy for your opponents to push you into the barge zone and maybe even into their cages.
I think that is also a danger if you try to solo the coopertition point by scoring in both processors.
Doesn’t the scoring robot face this issue, not the defender? Or am I misunderstanding?
If you are on the opponent’s side of the field and around the processor there, you are near a protected area around your opponent’s barge.
You might be there for one of a couple purposes:
- Preventing your opponent from scoring in that processor (defense).
- Scoring in that processor yourself (to the advantage of your opponent) in order to gain the coopertition point.
If you’re on the opposite side of the field, isn’t the processor you’re defending near your barge zone.
Yeah, maybe I’m wrong.
If you are red and you head over to the blue side, you go through your own red barge and are then right near your opponents processor.
Maybe there is a rink of getting pushed into the blue barge if you are red and using your own processor?
Yeah, I think so. The field tape is weird for the processors.
In any case, it appears to be a major foul to push your opponent into your cages from the processor (assuming the processor is more than 4 feet away from the cages).
G210 Don’t expect to gain by doing others harm. A strategy not consistent with standard gameplay and clearly aimed at forcing the opponent ALLIANCE to violate a rule is not in the spirit of FIRST Robotics Competition and not allowed. Rule violations forced in this manner will not result in an assignment of a penalty to the targeted ALLIANCE.
… [blue box examples] …
E. a blue ALLIANCE ROBOT, pushing a red ALLIANCE ROBOT from fully outside and far from (i.e. more than 4 ft. (~121 cm)) the blue BARGE ZONE into a CAGE and the REFEREE perceiving that the blue ROBOT is deliberately making the red ROBOT violate G418.