Can a mini servo power a small intake counter roller?

the current intake is 95mm wide and would use small rollers if I added a counter roller.

You are going to need give us a lot more information here, what kind of bot is this? But in general not the best idea, especially not a mini servo (which is ~13mm25mm25mm). Servos would generally not be fast enough in this application anyway. Maybe for something really light duty, like intaking a stress ball.

I am also assuming a continuous rotation servo.

Generlly in FRC servos are not used in applications where the mechanism getting hit can directly transmit shock loads into the servo geartrain (especially plastic gearing). Maybe this isn’t a concern in your application. In this application driving the intake roller with an o-ring belt may seperate it enough from mechanical shock if that is a concern. Servo city has such things.

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Not just the internal gearing but also the servo hub/horns are another failure point. Those little plastic teeth can strip out quickly and you’ll never be able to attach anything on the output again even though it still has torque.

I did see in the deleted thread the preceded this one that it was tagged FTC.

I guess the TLDR is: yea you can, but you should probally make sure the servo is robust enough (both metal gearing & horn), bonus points if you can isolate the servo a bit from shock loads.

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Thank you! Sorry for the lack of information :sweat:

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