Is there anything stopping a robot from climbing up the cube nodes? (Besides the width of the nodes, obviously.)
Say a robot was to hypothetically climb up the cube node to reach the top node (similar to 2019 during endgame), to drop off a cube or put a cone on a cone node, is there any rule that’s stopping a robot from theoretically doing that? Only rule I could find would be G301 but there’s definitely some clarification needed there.
Take this totally high quality diagram known as Conns high quality climb diagram™
I’ll suggest taking a look at G301 very carefully.
If you do damage, Tech Foul and chance of carding and/or disablement. (G301-G)
If you grab, Tech Foul and Yellow Card (as you’re likely to be there longer than 3 seconds). (G301-A)
Ditto if you grasp (G301-B).
If you attach to it in any way, G301-C, and the same penalty risk as A and B.
If you deform it (which you might, robots aren’t light), see above and G301-D.
And just to cap this off, G301-F prohibits suspending, same penalties.
The 2019 systems got away with it because the Hab was specifically excluded from certain elements of that year’s equivalent rule. The Grids and Nodes are not excluded from consideration under the 2023 rules.
Not sure what the structure supporting the cube nodes are capable of supporting. If the structure is broken by the weight of a robot, it is likely that all match play stops, possibly for a long time. Everyone will ask what team did that…
I believe this would also violate G103, as your bumpers would be exiting the bumper zone and afaik there are no exceptions to the bumper zone rules this year.
*Keep your BUMPERS low. BUMPERS must be in the BUMPER ZONE (see R402) during the
It may not violate G103. G103 references R402 in the blue box it says:
This measurement is intended to be made as if the ROBOT is resting on a flat
floor (without changing the ROBOT configuration), not relative to the height of the
ROBOT from the FIELD carpet.
This means that as long as the bumpers are in the bumper zone if you were to take the climbing robot and put it on the floor, it would be legal.
It’s still not a good idea most likely and won’t really serve any purpose as far as I can see. The structure definitely isn’t made to hold a robot’s weight
I think the biggest issue (but also possible help) is the Plexiglas that sticks up in front of each level. This could break easily if you cannot get up or down around it.
As a help, it is smoother than the plexi in 2019 so suction may be possible on the vertical supported part of the stairs.
But keep in mind neither the stair nor the tread were intended to support 120 lb. So, it is risky to say the least.
Finally, as cool as it is, it does risk the end game fiasco of last season where they could change the rules to ban the climb during the season even if it is safe. Risking having a creative and incredible strategy banned at last minute. If it is the only way to score, that could be an issue.
Unless I’m mistaken, using suction to attach your robot to a field element is a violation of G103:
ROBOTS and OPERATOR CONSOLES are prohibited from the
following actions with regards to interaction with ARENA elements. . .attaching to (including the use of a vacuum or hook fastener to anchor to the FIELD carpet. . .)
Disclaimer: This rule does require clarification as it does not specify whether using suction on elements other than the carpet is allowed. My interpretation is that using suction on any field element would violate this rule.