i had a hipotetical strange idea of combining with some teams of my regional to put a pulley-like system or something for my teams robot to tie with, so our robot can climb and another robot too. I know it is a stupid idea, but it is legal ?
Robots can buddy climb. So the idea is legal if you don’t break any rules doing it
You’ll want to pay close attention to the extension rules. I’ll list a few that are worth considering as you design.
G210 - If you have something that intentionally breaks off in this, that’s going to be a sad day. Whatever you design needs to intend to remain with one of the ROBOTS as you climb.
G409 - An odd one. But, if one ROBOT1 is holding up ROBOT2 and both of these contain a single NOTE, ROBOT1 is fully supporting both NOTES and you’re likely to get a G409B call here. If your climb takes 10s or more, you’re looking at the excessive additive. Short version: make sure you don’t hold NOTES while doing this.
G413 - Neither ROBOT can be taller than 4ft. Neither can extend out more than 1ft. The buddy climb must fit within that box.
G415 - notice that you still can’t grab/grasp/attach/become entangled/suspend from anything on the FIELD other than the CHAIN
Just to clarify
G409 - I don’t know how this will actually be called in a buddy climb situation. Considering it is legal to push a robot around while both bots are holding a game piece, I don’t think that is the intent of the rule, but I could be wrong. I do think that this may be worth a Q&A.
G415 - It specifically states Arena Elements and game Pieces in this rule. Another robot isn’t mentioned. As long as you aren’t doing this to an opposing alliance robot (G419) and the design is within the constraints, it would be fine.
G409 - Looking at those, the thought process is pushing another ROBOT isn’t pushing the NOTE to a desired location. Holding up the other ROBOT is fully supporting the ROBOT and transitively anything it supports. I could see someone pushing the argument pushing a ROBOT to a desired location also pushes the NOTE. But, that’s a bit more grey than the B section. I’d be all for the Q&A to get someone to make it clearer.
G415 - Absolutely. Another ROBOT isn’t a part of the FIELD. I was just reminding the buddy climb must be dependant upon the two ROBOTS and the chain. If you’re using the FIELD elements in one of those listed ways to help support the other ROBOT, you’re going to run into trouble.
Does G415 mean that robots cannot be attached to both the chain and another part of the stage, or is it just to prevent interference with other alliance structures?
We were thinking about grappling onto the chain and another part of the stage at the same time, which would not interfere with anyone’s ability to score, move, intake, or anything. How would that rule apply to our strategy?
Yes. Robots may not grab, grasp, attach to, become entangled with, or suspend from any arena elements except for the chain and game pieces.
This would be illegal if “grappling” involves any of the above actions.
What G415 means is that you cannot attach to the field, EXCEPT for specifically-defined areas. If you’re attached to the chain, you’re fine. If you’re attached to something else (like the truss structure), you’re not fine, regardless of whether you’re attached to the chain or not. You could be braced on something without being attached to it… but if you’ve got some sort of clamp or suction or hook on that brace and it connects, now you have issues.
Also note this Q&A - you can’t support the Robot on the horizontal edge of the Trap opening.
And another answer was just posted. The carabiner is NOT part of the chain.
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