Hello. i have been developing a swerve drive for my team. after developing the code for the drive i wanted to use the simulator to check it out. however i get an error message like this:
[CAN SPARK] IDs: 1, WPILib or External HAL Error: Unknown error status
[CAN SPARK] IDs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, Parameter type mismatch for parameter id Getting Product ID parameter failed. Unable to account for device-specific behavior differences.
Here is also the code for the ids themselves:
public static final int LFDport = 1;
public static final int RFDport = 2;
public static final int LBDport = 3;
public static final int RBDport = 4;
public static final int LFAport = 5;
public static final int LBAport = 6;
public static final int RFAport = 7;
public static final int RBAport = 8;
public static final int İnputID = 9;
public static final int L_armID = 10;
public static final int R_armID = 11;
if ya also want to personally check the code as well this is the link to the github page. the newest branch is dev but the error also exists in the main branch as well