CAN: Bus dies after deploying code 2025

After deploying the code onto the roborio running the FRC_roboRIO_2025_v2.0 image, the entire canbus begins spitting out errors.

Does anyone know what we are supposed to do to get around this?

What firmware are your devices running?

Newest: Kraken x60s are running 2025, Cancoders are running the 2025 image, and the one talon srx connected is running 22.1-season2023

You’re attempting to construct each device on its own CAN bus with a name equivalent to the device ID. The second String parameter in the device constructor is the name of the CAN bus the device is on (see CANivore API), not the name of the device itself. I doubt you have a unique CANivore for every device with those names.

If you’re using a CANivore, pass the name of that CANivore to every device. Otherwise, do not supply that second String parameter to the device constructors, or make it either "" or "rio".