CAN bus utilization fluctuation

We have a CAN bus with around 18-20 devices wired into it. When reading our CAN initialization on the driver station the number is almost unreadable as it’s quickly changing values in a range from 60 to 100%.

Is that normal? The numbers move so fast we can’t see them and the logged values look like a regular heartbeat that reaches 100%, which is very concerning.

Just take the average from the log.
It’s a math bug.

" CAN bus utilization is noisy

Issue: CAN bus utilization as reported live by the DS or as shown in the DS log has significant variation or “spikes” in the data. This is due to the RoboRIO occasionally counting CAN packets in the incorrect time period, so one period will have a much lower utilization than reality and the next a much higher utilization than reality.

Workaround: Zoom in on the DS log plot and look for time periods when the utilization is stable (the spikes will be both above and below this average). The average utilization is the true utilization."

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Ah thank you!

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