We are trying to get our robot wired using only CAN, but unfortunately, we cannot seem to get can to work on one jaguar that controls our lift. We can drive using CAN, but cannot seem to get that jaguar using the open CAN jaguar vi to work. Sporadically, the set motor vi returns a error -44087. Any Ideas?
We are having the exact same problem, would really like some help with this.
Edit: Appearantly this problem can be caused by a bad terminator or the speed of the loop that sends instruction to CAN.
We’re having similar problems with CAN. We get “Error Code 44087: NetComm_CAN_Receive.vi:8” errors nearly every 5 seconds on our driver station output window. Our motors drive fine, but there is a tremendous amount of lag (nearly 1/4 of a second). We’ve tried adjusting the run time of the update loop, but nothing has worked. Interestingly, the autonomous does not lag at all. Any thoughts would be appreciated!