so after coming back from the summer of our last season, we tested out our robot code and at one point we could not drive or move any motor and sensors were not giving feedback testing the same code we knew worked from last season. when running the code, we are getting a “CAN Frame not received/too-stale” error for every individual motor and sensor on the robot and prints it well over 100 times a minute after the robot has been enabled. the motors and sensors give feedback in phoenix tuner x and motors can be driven there. we have updated the firmware for all motors and for the roborio as well.
I have seen this mainly when your code is using a different version of Phoenix (5 or 6) than what is loaded on the Motor or sensor. Either change the version of the firmware on the motor or the code.
Also check your CAN bus – it could be disconnected, shorted, or have some other electrical problem. If you didn’t change anything, maybe something came loose while it was being transported or over the offseason…
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