Can i use a follow command to a mator controlled by PID?

Hi, our team will be using a arm with two motors with a 180:1 gear ratio. I am wondering that if i use the follow command, maybe there will be a diference in the angles of each motor output because of external interferences.
But at same time i thinked that the tank drive make exatly that and works. So i dont know what to think

Which motors are you using?
Either way, follow should be great when having two motors on the same axis that are connected with the same gear ratio.

I’m curious how youre constructing the 180:1 ratio (planetary gearbox, meshed gear gearbox, chain/sprocket, belt/pulley, or a combination of the above).

But yes, configuring one as follower will generally be fine to do.

we ar building a arm that needs to support the robot climbing on the chain and to angulate the intake/shooter as well. we use a 60:1 maxPlanetary with a 3:1 chain reduction on top of it. and we have one NEO on each side. but the problem is that they are not really conected, do the pressure on each one may vary, and with that, wach side of the arm will move a little bit diffrent