Occasionally we will get a CAN: Not Initialized error and nothing on the can bus will respond to the code. It seems to be random… We have this problem on both our competition robot and our practice bot so I am very sure that it is not a can wiring problem. [Here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1seooLWv_sCbCXaKW1szKGuj3yFbTGZpV/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KsCnvyIyQjI_KQWqywNFc5U45pmU3jlM/view?usp=sharing) are our log files from when it happened and here is our code…
We will also more occasionally then the CAN: Not Initialized error can timeouts on our falcon 500s, cancoders, pigeon, and sparkmaxs