Can notes scored in the amp while the speaker is amplified contribute to coopertition?

If you score a note in the amp while the speaker is amplified, can that note be used for coopertition, during the amplification or not?
If the rule is not stated in the rule book, could a team that has the ability to ask questions in the FRC Q&A ask that for me?

How about asking your Lead Mentor(s) to post the question? They’re the ones that get the access on your team.

You may also be interested in Q10 as that may shed some light once answered.


I submitted the question for you. I think it is a good one. I am not entirely sure if Q10 would answer the question.

Edit: Q10 is a good question as well.


My take, based on section 6.5.3 in the manual is that you can. The manual says NOTES delivered through the AMP during AMPLIFICATION do not contribute to the next AMPLIFICATION. That specifically bars counting toward amplification, but not coopertition. I would think that if they don’t say it doesn’t count during that period, then it is not even an assumption to think that they would count. The manual says that you score notes in the amp to count for coopertition, so when you score notes for in the amp it counts for coopertition regardless of amplification cycle. There is no provision to keep it from counting.

Have you run your take through Q&A yet?

How would you suggest doing that? I don’t see a way to respond to the solution. Would you recommend that I ask the question again with my argument added?

You read the answer given, correct?

GDC doesn’t really take kindly to using the Q&A to try to get things changed to the way someone else thinks things should run. Your best bet here is actually to email the Team Advocate, explaining why the answer given doesn’t make sense for the rules as written. Sure you could try Q&A but the answer will most likely be to refer you back to the Q&A just answered.

It sounds like there’s a technical setup that prevents any Notes being added to the “available” pile during amplification, and I suspect for good reason (like it being easier to have 1 pile instead of 2). That might not ne changeable at this stage of the game.

I did read the question and its answer. I will work on sending an email and see what happens. I imagine, based off the answer they gave in the q&a, if they agree with my logic, they will probably release a change in a team update to specify that it does not count.

The rule was reworded to explicitly say that notes do not contribute toward coopertition during amplification in team update 02.