Our team is using CAN and java and we are having a problem with a simple program, one that sets the jag to 1, the jag spazzes and throws a stack trace every time it stops.
I have traced it back to the CANExceptionFactory where it was talking about NIRIOEthernetTimeout or something, I do not have the code and I have to go to school now, just assume everything else is in order I think this is an issue in the wpilibs
From an engineering standpoint, it seems peculiar to assume that the code only you have used is in order, the hardware only you have tested with is in order, but that the code that every other team is using as well is the most likely source of the issue. That’s not to say that there couldn’t be an issue in wpilibj, it just seems like an odd place to start.
The reason I assumed it was the wpijibj was because I just got an update that made this stop working, so it was my first assumption that the only thing that had changed was the problem, but it is a new day now, I am going to reflash the cRIO and try to reinstall the 2can firmware.
Also I have not been able to use the port 2 on the cRIO after reconfiguring the 2CAN with the windows utility, but that is not the port I want to use anyway, because I like being able to view the Voltage/Temperature and all that for debugging purpouses.
I will post the trace in a moment once I look over things again and make sure there is nothing wrong.