Can one SPST limit switch drive both Jaguars in a 2-motor gearbox?


Can anyone give us some insights into the Jag Limit Switch input circuits?
CAN we drive two Jag Limit Switch inputs, with a single SPST switch?

Problem description:
We’re using a pair of motors on one gearbox for a payload device, and need to add a limit switch to the PAIR of Jags driving them. We definitely do NOT wish to use two separate limit switches for each direction. (No space, plus failure mode concerns…)

In essence, we wish to design a proper “Ganged Limit Switch” for a pair of Jags, to turn them BOTH off at the same time local to the Jags from ONE (preferably SPST) limit switch. BUT we don’t know how the Jags’ limit switch circuits are implemented internally, and whether we can cross connect them without damage.

Can anyone give us some insight as to how the Jag’s limit switch circuit is implemented internally? (We don’t wish to risk Jag damage with limit switch input ganging experiments…)

IOW… What’s the right way to approach this? Can we use diode blocks on whichever are their “hot pins”, and use a single SPST swtich to drive both jags, or will we need to electrically isolate them from each other with (for example) DPST limit switches, a DPST relay contact set, opto isolators, etc? (I speak electronics… Feel free to talk about circuits and diagrams…)


  • Keith

Is there any reason you can’t wire the switch to the DSC and implement it in software?

If you have to use the Jaguar, the input wants between 2 and 5 volts for high and has a 10 kΩ pull up resistor and a 64μs response time. Here’s the schematic:

We have done it successfully in the past with 2 motors powering one arm. Just one thing to note, make sure the wires are the right orientation on the Jaguar itself. Take note of the way it is plugged into one Jaguar and make sure it is the same on the other. As long as they are the proper orientation, it should work just fine