Can Ping Camera But No Livefeed

Throughout the day, our team has been having issues seeing the feed from both our Axis 206 Cameras. One of them would work for sometime, and then, all of a sudden, we would lose connection, even though the front lights were still green. At this stage, we could still ping the camera, but we could not get any live feed from it.

The first time this happened, we tried turning the camera off and turning it back on, but the front light stalled on amber. From there, we reset it back to default settings and things worked again. However, two hours later, the camera failed again in the exact same manner. We then decided to use the other camera we have, same model, and it had similar issues.

We don’t think it is possible for both cameras to have failed, especially in the same manner and especially since they were working fine previously, so we think it is a software issue and that we’re doing something wrong.

Any thoughts?

Edit: We’re still having this issue

You might try rerunning the Axis Camera Setup Utility. Make sure you’ve installed the most recent Utilities update; it fixes a bug in the program that kept the camera from remembering its settings properly.

We had a similar problem, could connect to the camera, but no image in HTTP or dashboard. Problem ended up being we were using a crossover instead of a straight through patch cable. Changed it over and worked fine. Hope this helps.

I’m not meaning to pick on this post, but I see lots of posts about crossover cables.

Just for clarification. Crossover cables are only needed when two ethernet devices are being connected directly and neither of them supports auto-sense. In the FRC kit, that happens very rarely, but it can happen.

Almost all laptop NICs support auto-sense – they would have to be quite old not to. The cRIO does not, and the camera does not.

This means that if you are connecting the camera directly to the cRIO without using any form of switch, hub, or router, that is when you must use a crossover cable. The rest of the time, the HW will sense that it doesn’t have a link and will try with the transmit and receive swapped.

Greg McKaskle

Thanks – that worked!