Hey guys,
I want to set up a project in MPLab. I have nothing installed because I uninstalled everything (it wasnt working).
how can I get a working MP Lab on my computer? I have read all the documentation and all the builds come up with various errors like this:
Make: The target “C:\Code\main.o” is up to date.
Make: The target “C:\Code\Robotics.cof” is out of date.
Executing: “C:\mcc18\bin_mplink.exe” /l"C:\mcc18\lib" “18f8722.lkr” “C:\Code\main.o” “C:\Documents and Settings\Achuta\Desktop\FRC_DEFAULT\FRC_library_8722.lib” “C:\Documents and Settings\Achuta\Desktop\FRC_DEFAULT\FRC_alltimers_8722.lib” /m"Robotics.map" /w /o"Robotics.cof"
MPLINK 3.90, Linker
Copyright © 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.
Error - could not find definition of symbol ‘Wait4TXEmpty’ in file ‘util_lib.o’.
Errors : 1
BUILD FAILED: Mon Jan 08 22:10:07 2007