Can we reschedule a qualifier?

So my school recently suspended all out of state field trips as a result of the coronavirus. Unfortunately what this means is we cannot attend our second qualifying event as it is out of state (albeit by only 5 or so miles, if only they had drawn the border a little bit more to the north!). Does anyone know if it is possible to cancel our registration for that one and register for a different in state event? I’m not the one for my team who organizes this thing, I’m just a hopeful team member.

I can assure you that asking on here will not help you. Ask your team mentors, as they are the ones dealing with the situations all teams are being put into due to the virus.


Your lead mentors will be the people who can communicate with FIRST and ask what the options are at the moment. I think it’s safe to say the situation is fluid.

frcteams or frcteamadvocate (at) firstinspires (dot) org are probably your best bet for getting help with this situation

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