can we use a xbox controller? (was: help)

would it be legal to use a xbox control as are robot controller???

Well you ask a different question in your tittle as in your content.


Probably not. The operator interface only takes 15pin game port connectors, so you would need to do some wicked conversion.

as long as you know (or can figure out) what pins you are soldering on the actual controller it should be pretty easy, but if you are trying to convert the existing pinout to the 15 pin port (like the PS2 whitepaper) conversion I would imagine that would be much more difficult.

an xbox connector is just a glorified usb connector. if you tap into regular usb connector, you can then get a usb-15pin connector.

Your right about the USB port. The controller ports on the XB are USB ports with a different connector. When MS released the XB they didn’t want it to seem too much like a PC and they felt USB ports are a PC thing, so they changed the connector to disguise things. As far as converting it to a 15 pin gameport, this is not so simple as just spicing some wires together with the proper connectors. At the very least, you need a power supply of some sort, a microcontroller, a USB host controller, some digital potentiometers
, and lots of software. See: this team built a playstation controller converter With an XBOX things are alot more complicated than the playstation.

Btw this has already been discussed. I think i am going to get really irritated if someone asks this question again:

The orginal plan was a game cube controller - but I was told that would have been MUCH harder. Same with the Xbox controller (I was told…).

i am pretty sure that if you would use an xbox 360 wired controller with the usb connector that you can purchase a small conversion adapter made for computer parts that will work with usb to 15 pin connectors. check on and and also maybe if not at any of these places then it will prolly not be found at all. and sry if not

we just open the ps2 or xbox controller and de-solder all of the wires and then take the controls that they give us and solder the wires to the pots and buttons. it really isn’t that difficult however you will need to know your way around a soldering iron and a multimeter.

For what it’s worth, the wired XBox 360 controllers use a standard USB connector. That’d make your job a bit easier, at least.

Pretty much to use an Xbox controller hooked to the OI you will have to open the xbox controller, gut it and then mod it completely into an analog device. Its been tried and usually turns out looking poorly as there is not much room in those for new hardware and mounting equipment.

Good luck!

At compatition i saw a control board made completely of a modified PS2, as for the controller i have no clue. so i couldn’t be more help