Can you download the FMS software from somewhere to run it and simulate the field?

Hello. We have been having some extremely weird problems very consistently during games but cannot reproduce them outside of when we are connected to field in a match. I am wondering, is there somewhere I can download the official FMS software from so we could set it up on one computer and connect the robot/driver station as if that computer were the field to try to reproduce it and investigate the issue? I can’t find a link to download the software but would think they must have it hosted online for distribution to competitions.


Have you tried running through a practice match from the driverstation?

To my knowledge the real FMS is not available for download.

There are 3rd party equivalents like

And there used to be an FMS-lite application for use at off seasons (I wasn’t able to quickly find a link).

But generally you should be able to replicate any problems in your robot code by running through a practice match in the driver station.
If it’s a networking related issue you are having, you can start by enabling the firewall rules and bandwidth limits in the radio programming tool.


The closest you’re going to be able to get at home is probably Offseason FMS (fka FMS Lite). You can read more here: Off-Season FMS | FMS Documentation

It won’t simulate the conditions perfectly, though, and it’ll be a lot of work. You’re probably better off to start by sharing the logs from your DS while you experienced the problems. People much smarter than me will likely be able to help you identify some helpful steps from there.


The best thing to do is to work with CSAs, FTAAs, and FTAs ate your event! We can work with you compare logs, and we can run link tests to simulate match play and see if there are any issues.

Could you describe the issues you are having?


Just out of curiosity, is your issue at all similar to Drivetrain not running in auto when connected to FMS?

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