One, two, and three are on the blue alliance and four, five, and six are on the red.
Lets say that robot three is defending the goal and is somehow flipped over. Due to one rule, only one robot may be inside the opponents scoring zone at a time. If robot three was flipped over, can robot one or two ignore this rule temporarily and take advanage of the 10 seconed grace period so they can attempt to right robot three?
In other words, can robot two go over to the defensive zone and try and flip robot three back to its original postition without penalty?
This is assuming that robot three has no method for righting itself in this situation.
Is there an exception to the rule that says that you cannot have two robots in an opponent’s zone? No? Sorry, but it’s a penalty and/or a red card. The 10-second grace period only applies to opposing contact, not to penalties.
However, note that the penalty is given when you touch the green carpet and that under <G30-B>, you can take on your finale configuration. That means that if they are close enough, you may be able to reach over the bump and pick them up. Only problem is, getting them that close without violation of <G29>.
You could ask Q&A, but I think the answer will still be “No.”
There is, however, one note: your opponents are, as far as I can tell, allowed to try to right the downed robot for you. That may work to your advantage in that they might get the robot upright or out to within your range to right.
This is the best question about Breakaway that I have seen so far. My advice would be to ask Q&A once it opens. For reference, here are the rules that are associated with this question
<G29> Defending ROBOT Restriction - Only one opposing ALLIANCE ROBOT is allowed in the opponent’s ZONE. A ROBOT is considered in this ZONE if any part of the ROBOT is in contact with the ZONE’s green carpet. Violation: PENALTY; plus a RED CARD if effort to remedy is not immediate.
<G32> ROBOT Protection while Righting – Before the FINALE, ROBOTS attempting to right themselves or their ALLIANCE partners have one 10-second grace period per fallen ROBOT in which they may not be contacted by an opposing ROBOT. This protection continues for either 10 seconds or when the protected ROBOTS have completed the righting operation, whichever time comes first. Violation: PENALTY for inadvertent contact; plus a RED CARD for obviously intentional contact.
<G33> ROBOT Righting Limitations - During the grace period described in Rule <G32>, the protected ROBOTS may not actively interact with BALLS or opponent ROBOTS. Violation: PENALTY.
My guess right now is that your are in fact not allowed to go over to your opponents home zone and help your alliance partner if they are flipped. I’ll be sure to look for clarification on this one during the team updates.
b. ROBOT Righting Volume - ROBOTS attempting to right themselves or their ALLIANCE partners may expand up to the FINALE CONFIGURATION maximum volume while, and only while, performing the righting operation.
(emphasis mine)
Not their opponents. You may try to right your opponent, but it will cost you a PENALTY.
I didn’t say anything about grace periods, by the way.
And, depending on HOW you do it, you might not even need to expand at all. For example, it may be possible to tip them up onto the bump, or right them using only your bumpers.