Is it legal to put a LED to the operator board to light up at set hights. I am not sure it complies with the rules about operator help. If it is legal how would go about doing it in the program.
Yes, you can.
In the IFI_ALIASES.H file, the LED lights on the OI are given a name
like… #define Pwm1_green
By setting Pwm1_green to 1, the green light for Pwm1 on the OI will light up. By setting it to 0, it will turn off.
The same goes for all the LEDs on the very right side of the OI
oh, Thanks. But what if i would like to put a set of LEDs on the actual base of operator center next to the aux buttons so the driver can see the lights easy right in front of him/her.
Yes, that is possible if you wire your board properly. Our team did it last year, but I do not know how it was done, sorry. All I know is that it is possible and it is legal as long as there are no external power supplies needed for those LEDs.
You can run LEDs connected to the LED outputs on the OI. if you download the manual from ifirobotics then it will tell you how to wire them up where.
Best of Luck
Here is the manual for the OI
Last year my team put the led’s on a telesopeing antenna so the manipulator could see it without looking down. If you need more than 8 leds, it might be possible to have a micro controller read the bytes coming out of the dashboard port and light them up based on the 8 user bytes.