Our robot is pretty jerky now but it can hang a tube under a vision rack almost most of the time. We just need to tune our PID routine. Well back to work…
nope cant score jack in auto . . but neither will any one on the opposing alliance. For better or worse we’ve written the most ruthless defensive auto code Ive seen in 4 years of watching/participating in first events.
Our bot sits there looking for a green light…and keeps looking for a green light…so unfortunately, we can’t test our autonomous at the scrimmage we’re going to tommorow…unless I can code it correctly (on the way to D.C.) and convince the mechanical team that the autonomous mode won’t make the bot go into full foward and destroy our arm
Right now our autonomous mode sits and looks pretty. When I mount the encoder to the arm tomorrow, we should be wheelin’ and dealin’ within a few hours.
i seem to be one of the few people on my team to consider good auto play an important feature in a robot… it’s what got us through last year.
im suggesting it as a last minute “side project”
We just managed to get the robot up and running today And by “today” I mean at 1:15AM
We should be able to get some decent autonomous going before regionals, but we really just need time to figure out how we’re going to get it on at all, let alone during autonomous.
That field-oriented holonomic is looking better and better…
So far our robot can try to block the other alliance’s robots, but we still need to work out many, many bugs. Mainly the fact that it only makes it halfway to the rack right now…
We’re also trying to get it to score on the rack, but we first need to get our camera to stop showing us the “Red Light of Doom” (thinks it sees a light no matter where it’s pointing).
In practice match we capped several times yesterday.
We can cap low and middle spider legs.
We can do it from left, right or middle position.
Can distinguish lights when seeing two and decide to go to left light or right light.
Decided late last night not to go for non-lit leg.
Now working on what robot does after capping.
We can do this much because hardware guys gave us a bot to work on with over a week to go. Thank you hardware guys!!!
We sat and looked pretty at the CT Scrimmage yesterday, since we were primarily tuning our drive systems and training drivers. But our autonomous code is actually working fairly well (just too much risk with everything else yesterday to run it for real, although I would’ve liked to).
Our autonomous mode works great here at our work shop. When we went to the scrimmage it was not so good. We are looking at the Noise setting on the camera
our robot can score in 6-10 sec 90% of the time… when placing the tube it will pull back with enough force that it shakes the rack (hoping to effect other teams success) our wait time is variable as to allow enough time if an ally needs to score.it will score under the rack, and on any spider height.