Can you transfer labview to java. HEllppppp

we just started java script and I was wondering if I Could transfer labview to java

No, they are completely different languages.

Java or JavaScript? (Quite different)


Java is to Javascript as Car is to Carpet: the words start with the same letters.

What you’re asking for is referred to as Code Generation.

Labview does support generating C code, but I would doubt the FRC specific bits are supported, and I do not see any evidence of Java support.

This post from a while back also backs up that notion.

If the intent is to eventually grow and modify the codebase, I would not recommend attempting to translate from one to the other automatically. Rather, re-write the same logic in the alternate paradigm, then extend the logic as needed.

(PS no need to request help with five p’s - I would have helped anyway :smiley: )


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