Hey guys,
There must be some canadian teams out there xD
So I’m wondering did any of you write the CCC?
If yes, how far did everyone get?
Hey guys,
There must be some canadian teams out there xD
So I’m wondering did any of you write the CCC?
If yes, how far did everyone get?
A friend and I wrote it. We both wrote the Junior one and it was the first time we even did it.
I found it extremely challenging… but i guess… thats what its there for.
I completed J1-J3 and didn’t even bother with J4 and J5.
I know forsure that J1 and J3 were just about perfect, but I didn’t fully finish J2.
How did you do?
I wrote Senior:
finished 1+2 well. I believe there are no bugs, (but who doesn’t).
half finished 3 and ran out of time. I know I could’ve finished if I had more time. I had almost everything but the dijkstra’s algorithm for the shortest path. I’m still hoping I made the certificate cutoff.
Oh man, you guys did pretty well lol
I did junior last year and senior this year, and i found out my mark today…
i got 6 for S1 and 6 for S2 for a total of 12.
I half finished three too, didn’t have enough time to generate the rest of the graph though.
Have you guys find that S2’s solution was weird? O_o
I swear I worked out 5 different possible outcomes.
I heard J2 was actually hard? is that true? lol
s2 seemed fairly straightforward… How did you get the bottom possibilities, Did you start at the top and work down through the combinations IE:
Possibilities r4: 1011
Possibilities r3: 0110 1101
Possibilities r2: 0000 0110 1101
Possibilities r1: 1100 1100 1010 0001
would make 4 -1 =3 for duplicates.
which would be a fairly straight forward recursive function.
i think i might of understood the question wrong lol
but yea, in the end i just worked from top down.
Man today i found out that I lost 9 marks on S1 because the programming environment I programmed in didn’t allow for such a large integer input.
Did you use java or c?
I planned on using c, but the ‘CS’ teacher at my school said he didn’t know it well enough and I had to use java, which was alright because I know them both pretty equally.
What IDE did you use?
lol, I used this weird programming language called Turing. xD
Reason being my schools computer is slow, and I didn’t want to use too much time compiling. xD
I did junior last year and pulled of a semi-decent mark on it. Not good enough to be a top score or anything though.