We can’t wire all 4 our swerve modules to a single CANivore, only up to 3 at a time. More than that and all devices flash red. Although, when we plug it into the RIO’s can bus it works fine.
- Shortened all wires
- Daisy chained everything
- Terminating resistor (120 Ohm) on one end and CANivore terminating mode enabled
- Soldered all connections (no molex)
- Verified resistance along CAN is low (0.8 ohms on CANH, 0.6 ohms on CANL)
- Verified wires are wound properly
- Verified polarity at each connection
- Verified total wire length is low (140 inches ± 20 inches)
- Verified resistance of terminating resistor (119.8 ohms)
- Verified no ID conflicts
- Verified all device firmware up to date
- Different CANcoder
- 4x Kraken X60
- 4x Falcon 500
- 4x CANcoder
- 1x Pigeon 2.0
At one point, we had 3 cancoders appear on phoenix tuner and the Pigeon 2.0 flashing connected/disconnected at a regular interval, but this is no longer the case. The exact same setup also works fine on the RIO’s can bus (which is how we verified IDs and firmware). We did solder our cancoders ourselves but we have never had problems with them.