I am on the IgKnighters Team at McQuaid, I am trying to program some small BaneBot DC motors, but I cannot find a way to set the maximum current draw of a CANJaguar so as to not burn out the motor. I can find voltage, but not current. I have tried changeControlMode(CANJaguar.ControlMode.kCurrent), but I am at a loss as for what to do after that. Can Anyone help with this? Thanks in advance!
if you use the current control mode then what you set with the set method is the current outputted to the motor.
for example
Would set the jag to output ~10 amps.
also you can consider the getOutputCurrent() to return the current it is currently outputting
There is no built in way in the jaguar to limit current while using one of the closed loop control methods. However, Ether wrote a white paper called CAN Jaguar Speed or Current Control with Current Limit or Thermal Cutoff which shows an algorithm for doing this on the cRIO.
Thanks, I actually found out that a CANJaguar will not supply more current(or voltage) than is supported by the motor, so :rolleyes:. But thanks anyway for the reply.