Cannot Build Robot Code


I tried running last year’s robot code, but it gave me some sort of licensing error when I tried to build it. I also tried making a new robot project, with the same result. This is the first time we have had this problem. Here is the error we get:

"Error 1380 occurred at Invoke Node in>>>

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW: (Hex 0x564) License checkout failure. Unable to checkout the requested license feature because the license is invalid or does not exist.

Method Name: Build:Application"

Thanks in advance!

When did you install LabVIEW? Did you activate it at that time? What serial number did you give?

Run the NI License Manager application: From the Tools menu, choose “Activate LabVIEW Components…” and click Launch. Do you see the FIRST Robotics Competition license under LabVIEW 2012? If so, what does it tell you on the right side of the window when you click on it?