Cannot Compile SimpleRobot Example - Missing WPILib.a

Hi Folks,

I am having great difficulty getting the WindRiver Workbench software working. First, I will describe the symptom I am seeing, and then I will outline the steps I took to get there. If anyone has a potential solution, please share it.

The Symptom
When building any of the FRC Robot Template projects (SimpleRobot and CommandBasedRobot, both with no changes), I get the following error in the Build Console:

**nmppc: C:/WindRiver/vxworks-6.3/target/lib/WPILib.a': No such file
ccppc: C:/WindRiver/vxworks-6.3/target/lib/WPILib.a: No such file or directory**
C:\WindRiver\vxworks-6.3\host\x86-win32\bin\make.exe: *** [SimpleTemplate/Debug/SimpleTemplate.out] Error 1
Build Failed in Project 'SimpleTemplate' (Process Exit Value was 2):   2012-01-07 22:22:20   (Elapsed Time: 00:01)

The Steps

  1. Install the FRC Tools from the 2012 National Instruments Install USB Drive (the plastic flash drive in the business-card).
  2. Install WindRiver 3.0, according to all the directions outlined in the FIRST_Robotics_Competition_2012_README_FIRST.pdf document contained in the root of the WindRiver Installation disk. The install locaion was set to C:\WindRiver as recommended in the installation instructions.
  3. Since I am running Windows 7, 64-bit, I installed the WindRiver Workbench 3.3.1 software. I made sure to NOT LAUNCH
    the 3.0 version by un-checking the two checkboxes in the final window of the first installation. The Second disk installation proceeded successfully.
  4. Next, I installed the WPI updates from firstforge: This installer did not provide any feedback as to the outcome.
  5. Next, I installed the LabView Utilities update from here:
  6. Finally, I launched WindRiver (3.3), opened the SimpleRobot project, and then selected Project -> Build Project and obtained the error I detailed above.

The Investigation So Far…
Since the compiler was trying to find WPILib.a and couldn’t, I tried to look for it myself. I searched the entire contents of the C:\ drive and WPILib.a is no where to be found. I would have expected one of the aforementioned software installations to provide this library.

What’s more, the WPI header files ARE PRESENT in the expected location. For example, this file (among many others) exists on my machine:

Some Questions…

  1. Is the WPI Release missing the 2012 WPILib.a?
  2. Is anyone having this problem on Windows XP or Vista?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

We are also having this problem. From the looks of things, we’ve followed the same procedure with the same result. We’ll keep you posted if we find a solution.

Build Error:
nmppc: ‘C:/WindRiver/vxworks-6.3/target/lib/WPILib.a’: No such file

I am also having the same issue. I created a similar thread here in the C++ development thread.

We were able to fix this problem… The simple solution is to find a copy WPILib.a from last season and paste it into the folder “C:\WindRiver\vxworks-6.3 arget\lib.”

I’ve attached our WPILib.a file for your convenience.

Good luck.

It looks like the installer is simply missing this file. My guess is we’ll be seeing another update once someone discovers this issue. Most teams will be installing from scratch so a large number of teams should encounter this problem if they are following the directions. (2.48 MB) (2.48 MB)

Are you sure that last year’s WPILib.a works with this years software?

edit: Guess I just better test this Monday

Sorry to hear you’re having this issue too… but it’s good to know I’m not alone in this!

Thanks a lot for the upload, this may bridge a gap in the immediate short term. However, this is not a long-term solution because…

If you are going to use the CommandBasedRobot, then last year’s WPILib will certainly not work since that class was not even present back then - the problem we are currently having will change from “cannot find WPILib.a” to “linker failure - whole bunches of symbols not found”. The CommandBasedRobot is but one of a list of changes that have happened in the WPILib since last year. Note: I am basing this last comment on the change-logs on the WPI first-forge page.

Thanks for the feedback, and hopefully WPI releases an update pronto!

Thanks for the info. I wonder if Java has these issues as well; since the languages are the exact same, and the SmartDashboard/Laptop based vision are based on it, maybe it’s this year we switch over…

It most certainly will not. The update will be repaired ASAP.

Until the release is fixed, here is the correct WPILib.a that should be in the release to get you through the short term.

-Joe (3.21 MB) (3.21 MB)

Somehow we ended up bad installer. There is a new one posted on FIRSTForge now that has the missing file. Everything else should be the same.

Sorry about the mistake.


This latest update solves this problem :smiley: Thanks for getting this turned around so fast.