I’ve reimaged the robot and deployed the default FRC project but I can’t drive it. I get error 44003 or something like that, I can’t remember. Is it because the camera isn’t connected.
Does the camera need to be connected or can it just be disabled?
The camera doesn’t have anything to do with it.
The exact error message would help narrow down what’s wrong.
In the meantime, do you have the cRIO modules in the proper slots? Slot 1 must have an analog module, slot 2 must have a digital module, and slot 3 can have a solenoid module if you want one. (What you can do with the remaining slots depends on whether you have 4 or 8 slots total.)
I figured out the problem, it was an improper jumper on the digital sidecar. We’re reassembling the jaguars.
We have two motors each side for a total of 4.
Are we supposed to connect PWM 1 and 3 to left and 2 and 4 to right because only one side is moving. When teleoperated mode is enabled, all motors are solid yellow.
The default code only enables PWM 1 & 2.
You can use “Y” PWM cables to split a signal to both Jaguars on a side.
You can also change the code to be whichever PWMs you like.
Do you have any idea how to get that to work by programming in LabView. I’ve been poking around for hours and KIND of get it.
I’m looking at the TeleOp block diagram and I see
. I’m thinking the RefNum set sets the motors that are to be operated by the Arcade Drive thing. The RefNum set thing opens this
control panel. I see motor], which i’m guessing is the array of motors that the thing is supposed to set.
I’m working on the robot tomorrow and don’t have the CRIO at the moment but I remember that the left motor was set to INVERT so i’m guessing all you need to do is INVERT all the left motors.
Does anyone know how to add additional motors into the array. If any team has done this I’d appreciate any help. Stop build day is looming, this is almost the last day and I have a tremendous amount of homework.
The motors/PWMs are all defined in Begin.vi
That’s were you’d add motors or change PWMs.
That’s where the Refnum gets created.
Thank you very much i’ve been looking for that for hours.