Cannot Load Camera Stream on Shuffleboard on Windows

I am having trouble with the Camera Server functionality of Shuffleboard on windows. I am unable to load the live video feed running off of a raspberry pi on Windows, but I can access it on any other device (mobile included). Any ideas?

When you say you are unable to load the feed, what exactly do you mean? Is it not appearing in the list of cameras? Does it appear, but when you drag it to display it, nothing is displayed? Something else?

I can see the Camera Server listed in Shuffleboard but when I drag the widget to display it, there is a black box where the image is supposed to be and all of the FPS, Width, and Height boxes have -1 in them. On other devices, like my mac, the camera stream is displayed in that box.

We went through this as well. You have to manually adjust the numbers in the widget to match the camera settings. The picture should clear up after you apply those settings.

Unfortunately, I have already tried changing the settings to match the ones that I set fo the camera on the Pi and it didn’t work. I should probably clarify; the FPS and Mbps displays at the top of the widget also display as 0.27
Now it isn’t allowing me to edit the settings at all.

What version of Shuffleboard are you using? Do you need to upgrade?

I am using shuffleboard version 2019.4.1. I am using an older version on the other computer I was testing, but I also tried the same version on my Windows machine and it had the same problem. The other version I tested was 1.3.1 from the github repository.

I had the same controls edit lock problem and had to remove/re-add the widget.
Did you also slide the compression over to the right side? IIRC that was one more thing we had to change.

I have tried to remove/re-add the widget and I have the same problem. I can’t seem to change any of the settings. Could it have to do with the camera settings on my pi? I think I have the defaults set for the camera. I don’t see how it could only affect my windows machine though.

I can also load the camera stream in the browser in Windows, along with all of my other devices, but the widget in shuffleboard is not able to load the stream.

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