Can't Convert .hoot Log to .wpilog

I’m trying to run SysId on a newly generated Swerve project (by Phoenix Tuner X). I successfully ran all four tests included in the generated code and retrieved the .hoot log file from the roboRIO. However, I cannot convert the .hoot file into a .wpilog file using the Phoenix Tuner conversion tool. When I queue the file into the converter, it says “Hoot log is NOT Pro-licensed. Export is limited”. Every CTRE device on the robot has been activated with a season pass. I clicked “Deep Scan” but it didn’t do anything at all. The signal section in the middle also displayed no information. I tried hitting “Convert” and sometimes it would say “Completed!” but no file was generated.

The next thing I plan on trying is explicitly setting the path to log to in code as well as plugging in a USB stick to make it log to a USB. I don’t know how to fix the Pro license error though.

We ran into this as well. For us there were two different log files. One of them was pro licensed, one was not. We just had to select the other log file.

Somewhat unrelated, but when you ran SysId did you run all 4 tests (dynamic forward, dynamic backward, quasistatic forward, quasistatic backward) in one go? Or am I supposed to run one test and then power cycle to create a new log?

You run them all in one go.

Side note: You can restart your robot code to make a new log.

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Were they named differently? And did you use a USB stick? Are you saying that two log files were generated side by side and they both showed the same modification time?

If you’re using a CANivore, a separate hoot log is generated for each CANivore in addition to a log for the roboRIO CAN bus. The name of the log file begins with either “rio” for the roboRIO CAN bus, or the CANivore serial number.

Also verify that your devices are actually reporting that they’re Pro licensed; the icon in the bottom right of the device card should be “PRO” and not “LIC”. If the devices are reporting that they’re not licensed, make sure you set up your roboRIO team number and FRC radio.

We are not using a CANivore.

I verified that they are reporting as Pro licensed; the device cards show “PRO”. I have a copy of the .hoot log I downloaded from the roboRIO if you would like to take a look at it.

It may also be worth noting that I am not calling SignalLogger.stop() anywhere in code.

Yes, that would help. We can check that the log file itself is valid and see if there’s anything obvious.

Interestingly enough, my Tuner X shows that your log file is fine. Can you double check that you’re on the latest version of Tuner X (2025.2.0.0)?

I am on 2025.2.0.0, but interestingly I just got an error message that I did not get previously while at the lab.

Semi-related: is there a way to combine wpilogs and hoot files that are from the same session? I think it’s possible by manually opening both in AdvantageScope and exporting, but it would be nice if Phoenix tuner offered an option to automatically (or even manually) combine the hoot file with the wpilog file created by the robot at the same time.

That error message means you’re missing the Visual C++ Runtime. I think our offline installer can install it (if you keep the Phoenix Tuner X option checked): Releases · CrossTheRoadElec/Phoenix-Releases.

There is not right now. Combining a hoot file with a wpilog is outside the scope of Tuner X, which can only read hoot files. With that said, AdvantageScope does support opening multiple wpilogs at once and exporting a merged wpilog.

Here’s a video of me trying to convert the log. I will try again after reinstalling Phoenix Tuner X with the offline installer and then get back to you.

I just uninstalled Phoenix Tuner X from the Microsoft Store and reinstalled it with the offline installer and then tried to convert the log again. The exact same errors as shown in the video occurred. I tried the same process on a different machine and also got the exact same errors.

Just as a sanity check, can you manually install the latest Visual C++ Redistributable (links below)? Also, are you using x64 machines or ARM64?

Install only one of the below based on your machine platform:


Here you can see me download the Visual C++ Redistributable, restart the PC after the installation, and then attempt to convert the log again.

Heya. Sorry this seems to be happening. To help us debug the root cause of this further, I’m going to have you go through some steps to share the local cache of the tools index that Tuner is using.

  1. Go to Diagnostic Log

  1. Open up the Cache directory

  1. Go up one directory by clicking on “CTRElectronics…” in your file explorer

  1. Go to the “LocalCache” directory
  2. Find the file named “tools-index.json” and share that to us

This will help us fix this problem for other users. Additionally, can you share some information about your computer.

  • What language is your computer configured to?
  • Is your network a personal home network, or a school network?
  • Do you have any VPNs running?
  • Is your computer a school or IT managed computer, or a personal computer?



As a workaround, we provide our tools as a downloadable CLI program at Phoenix Tools | Documentation-Redirect. You can download owlet (the conversion tool) directly from this page, and convert your hoot with ./owlet-25.1.0-windowsx86-64.exe -f wpilog input_file.hoot output_file.wpilog

  • My computer is configured to English (United States)
  • I attempted on both a personal home network and a school network, but most recent attempts were on a personal home network.
  • No VPNs are running or were running during any attempts
  • The computer is a personal computer with no IT management, but it is running ReviOS.
    – ReviOS is based on a stock Windows install and later tweaked with a “playbook” using AME Wizard (more info can be found in the ReviOS link)
    – If you believe this to be an issue, I will attempt to replicate the issue on a computer with an entirely stock Windows install.

Attached is the tools-index.json file.

tools-index.json (15.4 KB)

I was able to successfully convert with the command line tool. Thanks for your help!