Cant get Axis camera feed on DS

i cannot get AXIS camera feed to our driver station, other teams have been having this problem too, out ip for the camera is, last year in labview i didnt have to do anything with the camera it was a plug and go, do i have to edit something.

Are you sure you have the ip correct? Since your team number is 3596, wouldn’t the camera be on

This year the default LabVIEW dashboard project used mDNS to address the camera and expects it to be at axis-camera.local
[strike]This year’s Axis Camera Setup Utility gives it that address.[/strike] - my mistake

If you want to use last year’s address, then you just need to edit a default Dashboard project and replace the camera address with the static IP you want to use.

My team used the setup utility, but the camera still had an address of “axis-[random looking numbers and letters].local”, which I assume is the default.

The tool does not give it that address. The M1013 uses axis-camera.local by default. Older cameras need to be set in the advanced networking settings.

Yep. The Axis 1013 fooled me a bit. The older cameras include their serial number. The DS could truly use mDNS to locate a service, but instead, it appeared that we could just address with a device name. It really isn’t that hard to set an M1011 or M206 to have that DNS name. I remember turning off auto, changing the name, and turning auto back on.

But of course you can use the DNS name that includes the serial number, or you can use a static IP. But make sure that the subnet lets it route to the dashboard and roboRIO.

Greg McKaskle