Although we think that we can download the code to the robot, when we hook up the robot to the driver station (it says there’s code on it), the robot doesn’t respond to any joystick input and the println at the beginning of the teleop code.
We’re not sure where exactly the problem is. We have to kill the (deploy, run) in Netbeans (we’re running Java) since it seems to hang there forever, but once again, the driver station says there’s code on it (and we just updated to the latest image, which would’ve erased any code on it).
Output at the the end of deploy, run:
[cRIO] [Squawk VM] Version: 2011 FRC, Feb 2 2011, 13:26:47
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware GUID: 0x(hex address)
[cRIO] FPGA Software GUID: 0x(same hex address)
[cRIO] TEST TEST YAY init (print line from robotInit)
BUILD STOPPED (total time: 4 minutes 1 second)
i big thing to check is to see if your pmw cables are in the right way, make sure motors are working against each other and see if you get a red or green light on your jags if you are using them, but first things first, is your comuter reading your joysticks it might also be helpful to see your code?
I’d love to post my code if I could-- but the thing is, I can’t access this site on any computer at our build location because they block all forums on their networks, (I was typing the first post out on my phone) and now that I’m at home I don’t have a copy of the code with me. I’m 90% sure that the code itself is not the origin of the issue, however, since at one point I went so far as to revert to the basic drive.tankDrive(leftStick, rightStick) but with no change in the condition, and I’m certain that the RobotDrive is instantiated with the proper values for the motor channels.
We’re getting communications from the joysticks alright, they light up green on the dashboard and then blue when buttons are pressed down. That was the first thing that I checked.
I also don’t think that the motors could “work against each other”, since we’re using independent wheel mecanum drive.
That pretty much leaves the wiring. I never thought to look in the robot, since I pretty much assumed that the electrical team had done their job correctly. I seem to recall the Jags blinking yellow when the robot was on, so at least they were plugged in. I presume that green means that they’re on and receiving a signal to move, correct?
Regardless, that’ll be the first thing I check on when I go back tomorrow.
Forgive the patronizing question, but did you remember to ENABLE the robot from the Driver Station?
So we ended up getting the robot running, but it wasn’t what either of us thought it was, and it wasn’t the fault of the software or electronics teams- the digital sidecar was dead. Thank goodness we had an extra laying around, although we don’t have any backups anymore…