We still can’t get system to work using Wind River. We have flashed the crio and ds twice. Have updated Wind River.
When we download the sample program after building all with no errors it seems to work. It downloads in about 3 seconds. We have tried telling Wind River to download the out file created -simple template I think - as well as whatever the default was when we first did it.
Have run undeploy which flashes an unreadable message and then downloaded. Have rebooted everything in about every order.
We get no movement when we move joysticks. We turn on ds after plugging sticks in. I’m guessing that the intro program robot.cpp - I think would use pwm1 as output for stick in arcade drive but can’t find it in the docs.
We’re going nuts!!! Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
You need to make sure that the Driver Station is set to the proper team number. You need to make sure that the proper team number was selected when you reimaged the cRIO. You need to make sure that the wireless router has the proper IP address and that all its settings are correct as directed by the instructions in the control system manual.
The engineer working with us was going to install a jumper today to get this to work I think.
The jumper would fix a “0.00 volts” indication. It will have no effect on a “No comm” situation.
Pretty much everything you need to know, including setup instructions, component manuals, software updates, example programs, and pointers to much, much more can be found by going to http://www.usfirst.org/frccontrolsystem.
You’re an Update behind. Install LabVIEW Update 3a from Alan’s link, then re-image the cRIO with v11.
Install the latest Wind River update too.
There is also recently released firmware for the Driver station that you should install, but get v11 onto the cRIO first.
We have fixed the problem. Apparently our crio had some corrupted code in it. We set all of the pin switches on the crio to the opposite of their original settings and rebooted it clearing all of the memory . We then flipped them back and reformatted it. This gave us communication with the driver station.