I have recently set up grip on my DS PC and have it post to network tables on roboRIO-4749-FRC.local. I can use outlineviewer.JAR to see the network tables but can’t use java to display on the smartdashboard. Could someone give an example from what they have done to get network table values?
right now i have this
public NetworkTable table = NetworkTable.getTable("Grip/TowerTarget");
Width = table.getNumber("width", 0.0);
SmartDashboard.putNumber("width :", width);
should i use this instead?
public NetworkTable table = NetworkTable.getTable("Grip/TowerTarget");
Width = table.getNumberArray("width", 0.0);
SmartDashboard.putNumber("width :", width[0]);
You will need to use the second option. You need to put all of the networktables code in teleopperiodic or you will only get one value at the beginning of the code.