Our team is trying to implement a simple mecanum drive in Java, but whenever we try to set a motor speed based on a joystick value, the motor simply does nothing. No error is thrown, but it does not spin.
We are extending the SimpleRobot class. We are initializing the joysticks with:
private Joystick leftStick;
public RobotTemplate() {
leftStick = new Joystick(1);
Thank you for your fast reply. I tried switching to using the getRawAxis method, but it still does the same thing. I try:
// I also try 1-6 instead of 0
When I put in 3, the motor drives at full speed, but for everything else it does not drive at all. In either case, I can’t control them with the joysticks. Am I missing something else?
Try two things: firstly, output your values using the LCD display class; it helps a ton. Also, try the getAxis, as it has an enum instead of the index. Instead of some arbitrary number as an argument, it uses Joystick.AxisType.kX
I managed to find the default code project that was missing from the libraries on a different thread, and when I ran that, it worked. I still do not know what the root issue is but maybe I will be able to determine it in the future.
No, getX() is inherited in both Joystick and kinectStick from GenericHID.
Look in the libraries at Joystick.java and you’ll find
* Get the X value of the joystick.
* This depends on the mapping of the joystick connected to the current port.
* @param hand Unused
* @return The X value of the joystick.
public double getX(Hand hand) {
return getRawAxis(m_axes[AxisType.kX.value]);
* Get the Y value of the joystick.
* This depends on the mapping of the joystick connected to the current port.
* @param hand Unused
* @return The Y value of the joystick.
public double getY(Hand hand) {
return getRawAxis(m_axes[AxisType.kY.value]);
TL;DR getX() works for joysticks, not just kinectSticks.