Can't reimage RoboRIO 1.0

I’ve switched laptops, completely uninstalled all ni software on the imaging laptop, reinstalled just the 2025 game tools, put the roborio into safe mode and continue to get this error every time I try imaging the roborio to the 2025 image. Any and all help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

Forgot to upload image uploading now

I had to do this again this year…

Instructions on ssh:

I wanted to reply just to let you know you are not crazy. We have seen this error as well. But we don’t know exactly what causes it. For us, we find that if we reboot and try again, or try a different laptop, eventually one works. What’s maddening, is that usually once a laptop starts working, it will continue working just fine. That is, we will see a pattern of laptop A consistently fails while laptop B can image just fine. Laptop A will still fail to reimage the freshly imaged rio; laptop B will still succeed. If we let a week or two go by, it might be now that laptop A can image, and laptop B cannot. We haven’t had the time or the ability to pull multiple laptops and a rio out of rotation to truly pin it down, but we’re going to try.

We’ve had this problem recently and the solution for us was option #3 in your image; booting the roboRIO into Safe Mode. Once we were booted into Safe Mode, the update proceeded normally.

We were also mistakenly using the Update Firmware option when we should have been using the Format Target option, but I think the the issues were independent of each other.