I deployed an autonomous code as a Robot Framework like 2 weeks ago and now I want to change this code to default code in Robot Framework with Game Code.
I build the Robot Framework with Game Code under Build Specifications and I run it as startup and finally I deploy all by right clicking to RT CompactRIO target ( but our robot still works with the old autonomous code which ı deployed with Robot Framework.
Can someone help me to deploy my new autonomous code to Crio!!
Actually the problem is when I run the code from my Robot Framework With Game code it does not run autonomous mode and it just runs the teleoperated.
How can I make Autonomous run or deploy?
There is a small column of buttons no the Driver Station labeled “Autonomous”, “Teleoperated” and “Practice”. Click on “Autonomous” with the robot disabled, then Enable the robot. That should run your autonomous code.
You’re adding an extra step. You should just “Build” then “Run as startup”. LabVIEW will ask if it’s okay to reboot the cRIO. Say OK. If you haven’t made any changes to the Build Specification, it should just work.
I know how to do deploy a code but what the problem is that I wrote an autonomous code in autonomous.vi but my autonomous.vi code doesnt work when I build it and run it as startup. I know how to enable autonomous or teleoperated mode but when I enable autonomous mode my autonomous code in the project doesnt work and another autonomous code works which I had deployed two weeks ago as a Robot Framework.
If you open RobotMain and double click on the Autonomous Independent refnum that is just to the left of the while loop. If RobotMain hasn’t been modified, this will open the auto independent that the autonomous code will run. Is that your subVI? If not, you managed to save the new VI under a new name and not update the RobotMain.
You can either drag the new autonomous subVI from the project and drop it on the RobotMain refnum to the left of the loop and save RobotMain, or you can load the new one and Save it As the Autonomous Independent, over the old one.
If you have modified RobotMain already, post a screenshot for further help.