Does anyone know how to install the CANTalon tool-suit on Arch Linux, either in wine or anything else. Maybe is there a way I can move the CANTalon classes to eclipse on Arch? Please help. Thank you and have a good day.
The no-installer ZIP file seems to have the libraries inside it. Found on this page. Just unzip the jar files and link to them manually in Eclipse.
How would I go about linking them manually, I’m new to this.
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You are an Arch User, or at least someone in the situation is; The Obligatory Answer is: Read the Documentation.
Anyway, Indirect Answer:
“Standard Practice” when releasing a source distribution, like the “No Installer” download is to include some level of installation or build documentation (like a README) and/or a build/install script (like a Makefile).
In this case, it is a README.txt with installation instructions. Try to follow them, and If you feel you just aren’t sure you understand, just know that, yes,it is as simple as putting the right folders from the download into the right place on your system. Oh, and it is a good idea to have Eclipse closed when you do the install. Documentation doesn’t say that, but it isn’t a bad idea.
If you need further assistance, just explain what you think it says or what you don’t understand and I will absolutely help with deciphering the techno-babble.
Go Forth, and Good Luck!